Tips for Writing a Great Argumentative Essay
An argumentative essay is a piece of writing that takes a stance on an issue. In order to write an effective argumentative essay, you need to know three things: how to pick a great topic, how to structure your essay, and how to choose argumentative strategies that will work for your position.
This blog post will give you tips on all three and some other important tips so that you can produce a top-notch essay.
How to Pick a Great Topic?
The most important part of any argumentative essay is the topic. Your topic should be something that you feel passionate about and that you can make a clear case for. Don't try to take on too much—a narrow focus will serve you well.
Once you've chosen your topic, do some research and brainstorm potential arguments for and against your position. This will help you anticipate counterarguments and questions that your reader might have.
How to Structure Your Essay?
There are two main types of argumentative essays: those that use the five-paragraph structure and those that use the Toulmin model. The five-paragraph structure can be helpful for inexperienced writers because it provides a simple template to follow.
Related: 5 Steps To Learn How To Write A Discursive Essay
However, if you want to score high marks on your essay, we recommend using the Toulmin model. This model is more complex, but it will make your essay stronger overall.
The Toulmin model consists of six main parts: claim, grounds, warrant, backing, qualifier, and rebuttal. Your claim is your thesis statement—the main argument you're making in your essay. The grounds are the evidence or reasons you're using to support your claim.
The warrant is the connection between your grounds and your claim—in other words, it explains why your evidence supports your argument. The backing is additional information that amplifies or explains the warrant. The qualifier acknowledges any possible exceptions or limitations to your argument. And finally, the rebuttal anticipates and responds to objections or counterarguments.
Outline your argument:
Outline your argument before you start writing. This will help you to organize your thoughts and to determine what information you need to include in your essay. An outline will also give you a good idea of how long your essay will be.
Your argument should be clear, concise, and easy to follow. It should also be based on facts and evidence, not just your opinion.
Some things to keep in mind when creating your outline:
- What is your main argument?
- What are the supporting points for your argument?
- What evidence will you use to support your argument?
- What counterarguments could be made against your argument?
- How will you refute those counter arguments
Edit and revise your essay until it's perfect!
No matter how much you might want to be done after writing the first draft, it's important to take the time to revise and edit your work. This is especially true for an argumentative essay, which needs to be clear, concise, and persuasive. Here are some tips to help you revise and edit your essay
- Make sure that your argument is clear and supported by evidence.
- Be sure to address counterarguments or objections to your position.
- Check your essay for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.
- Make sure that your essay is well organized and flows smoothly.
- Revise your essay for style, making sure that it is clear, concise, and persuasive.
By following these tips, you can be sure that your argumentative essay will be of the highest quality and will persuade your reader to see things your way! is always here to help you with your essay writing needs, so don't hesitate to contact them if you need assistance. is a website that is dedicated to helping students avoid essay writing scams. If you are looking for tips on how to spot a scam, or if you need help finding a reputable essay writing service, then be sure to check out!
How to Choose Argumentative Strategies That Will Work for You?
Once you've chosen your topic and decided on the structure of your essay, it's time to start thinking about what strategies you want to use in order to make your case.
There are four main strategies for arguing: logos (reason), pathos (emotion), ethos (credibility), and Kairos (time). You don't need to use all four in every essay—in fact, using more than one can often be overwhelming for both you and your reader—but knowing which ones will work best for your position will help you choose which ones to employ.
If you're planning on writing an argumentative essay, these tips will help ensure that yours is both effective and enjoyable to read.
Papershelm can help you with every step of the writing process, from choosing a topic to editing and proofreading your essay. And if you need help finding a reputable essay writing service, is always here to lend a hand. Good luck!