Guide to Productivity Hacks For a Writer

Making the most of your time is more important to productivity than finding that extra time.


Consistently producing high-quality content can be psychologically and physically taxing. Hard work, innovation, attention to detail, and a desire to publish articles that readers will enjoy.


Here are some writing and production techniques to help you stay on top of your writing game and produce eye-catching content.

1- Determine The Best Times of Your Day By Keeping a Journal

You may generally have more energy during certain hours of the day than others. You can choose day or night, and many people work in the afternoon. However, if you can identify your peak creative and energetic periods, you can plan your writing time around those periods.


Get a day planner, an app that allows for hourly information, or use a tool like Google Calendar to record your feelings throughout the day. It doesn't have to be long; a few words, or a numerical scale of 1 to 5, or even 1 to 10, will express how you feel. You will be able to see how your energy levels fluctuate if you can do this several times each day for a few average weeks. The information you discover may surprise you.


Unfortunately, extra responsibilities like work or childcare can prevent you from choosing ideal times to write. Nevertheless, you may be able to rearrange some tasks and duties to make it happen. You can be more efficient if you work at a time of day when you are focused and awake.

2- Keep a Journal To Record Your Goals

Explore the reasons for your procrastination by using the same methods to determine what times of day work best for you. The goal of the project is to investigate writing impediments rather than to study your writing ideas. These can include anxiety, fatigue, lack of inspiration, the feeling that you haven't planned enough, or concerns that you need to use your writing time for something else. You can also keep a record of your goals through different apps.

3- Try to Adopt New Techniques

You can experiment with different writing strategies in several ways, and one of these strategies may increase your productivity. The following are some examples of experiments:


  • You can use a voice recorder to narrate parts of your story or capture quick ideas.
  • Try to note down passages for five minutes at a time when you take a break while engaging in other tasks.
  • If you use the computer often, try working by hand, and vice versa.
  • An experiment in different places. Try a coffee shop or library if you often work alone at home.
  • Consider writing scenes out of order or starting with the last few pages of your content.


You may believe that the way you do things, in general, is the only way to do different things, but this may not be the case.

4- Determine What You Don't Require

What can you reject? Television, the internet, and other time-wasting activities waste time, so it is best to avoid them. Almost everyone engages in activities or blocks of time that offer nothing to encourage productivity or relaxation.


Some people have found that temporarily giving up alcohol increases their productivity, while others have found that giving up coffee has the same effect. On the other hand, you may discover that writing for the reward of coffee or wine motivates you to produce. Exercise is something you should never stop doing.


Although it may seem like it takes more time, doing this increases blood flow to the brain, making it easier to maintain sustained concentration. If some of these hacks don't work for you, consier getting help from assignment writing services.

5- Don't Spend Too Much Time On Your First Draft

You need to disable your internal editor if you want to increase productivity. Your inner critic will stifle your creativity and force you to rethink every original idea you have. Your inner editor can debilitate you or even make you give up writing altogether.


Although they are an integral part of the creative process, the in-house editor is not the only one invited to the first draft.


The last thing you should consider when writing your first draft is editing. Your speech should be almost stream-of-consciousness. If it's not happening, come back after you've warmed up.

6- Write Your Content in Chunks

Dividing tasks can help many lonely employees with challenging tasks that require intense focus to be more productive. The Pomodoro Method suggests dividing work sessions into 25-minute chunks. You may discover that working at a longer tempo is just as effective.


Read more: A Guide To Writing Your Master's Dissertation


Limiting the time they spend writing also helps many people become more productive. They may be more productive by taking just one or two hours instead of knowing they have a block of several hours in the afternoon. Some people get discouraged by procrastination and cannot focus on their work due to a lack of time.

7- Overcome Mental Distractions By Recording Essential Thoughts

Mental distraction is one of the major disadvantages of working. The problem is that when you're trying to focus, the things that come to mind may be essential things you need to get done.


One way to deal with this is to keep a notebook close as you note down and record any important ideas that come to you, whether they're related to your book or something else. It will enable you to continue writing your work.

8- Plan Ahead of Time

You'll find that there are some things you can't finish just by eliminating pointless obstacles. You can arrange your essay in addition to cleaning, transportation, and several other things that delay you from really writing.


These moments that don't involve complete rest can be used to structure your subsequent writing sessions. Doing so will save you time when you sit down to write.

9- Set Word Count Goals and Track Your Work

You should monitor your writing output over time, just like you do business with KPIs like leads and conversion rates. Using Google Spreadsheets, you can keep track of how many words you write per day and what kind of "flow" you feel during that particular writing session.


If you are just starting, try to write 500 words at a time. If you're an experienced writer, it's a great idea to set a goal of 1,000 words per session. Setting more difficult daily and monthly goals will become easier as your self-confidence and creativity increase.


You can write faster and discover when you feel most "in the zone" by setting a word count goal for each session. Consider changing your writing schedule if you find that you can produce 900 words per hour in the afternoon but only 600 in the morning.

10- Avoid Multitasking And Focus on One Task at a Time

You may be surprised to know that the brain is incapable of multitasking. The brain can't do two or more tasks at once. Use another way to write and work on your other essential tasks simultaneously. Instead of multitasking, the brain switches between things quickly.


Multitasking gives us twice as much time to complete a task. By combining two or more tasks, we mistakenly believe we are saving time, but we are using 50% less brain power.
Multitasking increases burnout and results in higher error rates.


It's important to remember that not every hack will work for every writer. You may spend some time when you attempt and reject ways that are less than perfect since you must experiment from time to time to find out what works best for you. However, compared to the productivity bump you'll get from writing productivity tips that work for you, the time you spend experimenting with new techniques will be negligible.


These techniques include learning more about when and how you work best and experimenting with new techniques such as quick drafting and writing in bursts with short breaks. Working with other writers to increase your writing inspiration can help you complete your content.